Monday 4 March 2013

Things I suck at

Some people, I'm sure you can think of a few, believe they are great at everything. I proudly write this blog to let you know, I am certainly not one of these people.
And a little message to those people, in case they are reading this, go suck a toe :)

Where shall I begin?

1. Self-motivation. I sometimes have random outbursts of motivation and if I do not take full advantage of these, nothing will get done. This includes washing clothes, vacuuming my room, organising my wardrobe/makeup and of course, university assignments. All in all, I am a lazy slob.

2. Sticking to diets. The longest time I have lasted on a health kick is a week. I wish I was joking. After I start, my brain can't stop thinking about food. "What will my next meal be? How many calories have I had today? I really want chips. Maybe I can make my own chips. No that's still unhealthy. What about sweet potato chips? That's cheating. I hate this. I'm hungry. Hmm, what about a nice big glass of water to fill me up? Who am I kidding? I need biscuits." etc etc.

3. Saving money. I have been working at my current job for the last year, however, this has solely been to have a bit of money to play around with. No where near a serious income. Because of this, I have not taken the money earned seriously and have basically spent it as I earned it. I now have a rather big DVD collection, and a rather small bank account. Luckily, boyfriend tries to assist as much as he can when it comes to discouraging unnecessary purchases. The problem is, we have different views on what necessary purchases are and I tend to be a bit snappy. Bless him for continuing to try though ;)

4. Patience. I have none of that. Waiting for replies by text or email, waiting for something I have ordered online to be delivered, waiting for my nails to dry, waiting for someone to get out of the shower, waiting for my food to finish cooking, waiting for the bus to come, waiting for my show to come back on during the ads, waiting for it to be time to get ready to go out and so many more. I realize that this is probably something I have to work on. But goshhhhh, it's annoying lol.

5. Positivity. I have a skill. I am able to turn the greatest of positives into a negative. I am that good. People are late to my party? Obviously no one is coming and the world hates me. I got a credit and not a distinction? I should pull out of the course. Something in the 10 course dinner I made goes wrong? I am never cooking for a big group of people again. You get the drift.

What are you crap at? Have a little think about it. If you can't think of something. Ask a brother or sister. They will pull you back down to Earth. Only child? Nothing brings you down more than the discouraging words of a parent.

Happy self-evaluation! xx

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