Thursday 7 March 2013

Who I follow on youtube

I always find it very interesting to have a little look at who people follow on youtube. It is a very personal thing. Your views of a person can even change if you see some of the trash people have subscribed to. So let's see what you think of me. I'm only showing the good ones though ;)

Jenna Marbles

1. Jenna Marbles
If you don't know who she is, where have you been? Once a week I get to have a good chuckle at what insane thing she comes up with. I reccommend drunk makeup tutorialthings boys don't understand and why girls hate each other.


2. Zoella280390
This one is probably my favourite. I have gone through and watched all of her videos. This is a beauty related channel so if you don't care about all that then I don't recommend her. But I could watch her for hours. And I do. I recommend...all of them. Just depends what you are in the mood for. See her channel here.


3. MyHarto
The creator of 'My Drunk Kitchen'. Which as the name gives away, is basically her in her kitchen, drunk, cooking up a storm (dangerous much?). If you are after serious recipes, this is probably not the channel for you, but it is quite a laugh. I recommend "My Drunk Kitchen, Ep. 12: Pizza"


4. PewDiePie
One word. HILARIOUS. Yes, he deserves a capital lettered 'hilarious'. I would never consider myself a gamer. And I rarely enjoy watching other people play them. But this guy takes it to a whole other level. This beautiful Swedish man gets paid to play video games and film himself playing and commentating. I recommend any of the horror games he plays. Warning, be prepared to get just as scared as he does. I love how sometimes he puts up his heart rate monitor to show you how scared he actually gets. Check out surgeon simulator for a small taste of his awesomeness. Then if you like him go watch Amnesia:Obscurity- nice and scary.


5. ilikeweylie
Only just got into her videos. But she is very outspoken and really funny. She is pretty much a beauty youtuber. Go look at her awkward video on at home bikini waxing.

Sprinkle of glitter

6. Sprinkle of glitter
Last, but certainly not least, Louise is a really funny and cheerful beauty blogger. Her best friend is Zoella280390 and I have had endless amounts of fun watching their videos together, which are the ones I recommend. Go follow her for some feel good kinda videos.

I hope one day I too will have a youtube channel. Once I get the confidence. Hope you guys go and have a look at one of these amazing people. You won't regret it :)

Happy youtubing! xx

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