I thought I would do a short blog today to tell you all how you can actually follow blogs because I realised that a lot of the people who read my blog don't actually have a blog of their own.
I think one of the easiest ways is to get an app. I know. There is an app for everything these days!
I think the most popular one is called bloglovin. It's free. It's easy, and all you have to do is sign up and then start clicking 'follow' on any blog you are interested in. You can do this through bloglovin or on other sites such as blogspot. Just look out for the bloglovin button! You can get it to email you every time someone posts. But I personally turned that off because it can be annoying haha.
If you aren't an app person you can just go to their website www.bloglovin.com
So start collecting blogs and have fun!
Thankyou! x I'm now following your blog :)