Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Embarrassing story #6

So once again I find myself finishing a uni class an hour early. So to pass some time I thought I would share another embarrassing story with you.
The funny thing about this story is that two different people, who don't know each other, have told me all about it. It is therefore a sign from the universe that I should share it on here.

I hereby name this story- 'Hide the poo'

Somewhere in the country of Australia, there are a group of boys who live together, who like to play a game of what they call 'hide the poo'. I hope I haven't given too much away already ;)

So what does this involve? From what I understand, whenever they go to peoples houses for parties or whatever, and they have to make this bodily function, they decide to hide it somewhere.
I am pretty sure they let the person whose house it is that they too can be involved in the game. Because obviously they have to find some point that is.

So one example that both of my sources told me, was one of the boys went to a party and deposited a poo somewhere in the house. He told the person whose house it is and left that night. The person looked and looked and couldn't find it. It took them weeks and they eventually gave up. Probably assuming the boy had lied about it. If only that were true.

They eventually found the bottom of their margarine container............

This will forever haunt me.

Hope you enjoyed that one and thankyou to my two sources!!
Have a good day and check your butter. xx

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