Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Things guys don't understand

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. Yadda yadda yadda. It is now quite obvious to the world that Men and Women are completely different in every way. There is so much literature out there on how to decode what the other sex says or does. But let's be honest. We will never understand each other. Here is a list of things I have found that Men find particularly difficult to understand.

- Makeup

"Why do you wear so much makeup? I would still find you pretty if you didn't wear it". Aww that is so sweet! But so untrue :) Around the time we are trying to impress you, before we start dating, we are completely dedicated to looking 100% every time we see you. This builds up a false sense of beauty. If, when we start dating, we suddenly stop doing all the things we used to. You are definitely going to notice. And I guarantee you are going to find us less attractive. I am not saying that women can't be beautiful without makeup. But makeup also brings with it a sense of confidence that we wouldn't have if we didn't wear it. And confidence is sexy. So basically, expect to see us completely made up unless it is bed time or we are married.

- How many handbags we own

"Why do you even need a handbag? Men get by with just using pockets." If I only wore the pieces of clothing in my closet that had pockets on them, I would be a mess. Handbags become an extension of our outfit. So we need a selection to choose from. "Blah blah blah, why is your handbag so big?" Yeh you don't complain when you later ask to put your wallet, keys and phone in it at the movies do you?

- Wearing uncomfortable footwear

"Why don't you just wear flat shoes instead of changing halfway through the night?" BECAUSE I LIKE THE WAY MY BUTT LOOKS IN THESE OKAY?! And admit it, if a girl actually knows how to walk in these without looking like a giraffe mid-run, you think it looks nice. So I complain about how much it hurts... but that's okay because they are sparkly :)

- Hatred of other girls. For no reason. 

"She has never done anything to you". Sooo not the point. Life is competitive. She may be prettier, have better clothes, be more successful, or the worst of the worst, previously dated your boyfriend. HELL NO. What a bitch. ;) And this is further encouraged by friends. Get used to this one.

- Valentine's Day

"Valentine's Day is only an excuse for guys to buy things for their girlfriend." Incorrect. Is it too much to ask for that one day a year you step away from the xbox and celebrate all things love related? It is the most romantic of days. Where everyone all over the world is celebrating love. Don't go bitching to your mates saying how much money you spent! Man up. It isn't about the money.

- Not appreciating farting

Flatulence is not really that funny, let's be honest. Furthermore, being stuck in a car with it when all the windows are up is just rude...If women can last without doing it. So can you.

- Joking about our appearance

Lastly, any negative comment about our appearance, whether said as a joke or not, will stay with us for a long time. It doesn't matter if it is a subtle comment. I can list a handful of comments that have stayed with me over the years. DON'T BE RUDE.

Okay, well that is all from me today. I hope you have a nice day and can manage to stay out of the rain xx

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