Saturday, 30 March 2013

Embarrassing story #4

How is it that I have numerous embarrassing stories about poo to share with you all? lol. Well here you go anyway...

A friend of mine had some family visiting her from out of state. On their last night visiting they decided to all go out to a really fancy restaurant in the city.

During the meal my friend started to feel quite ill. Felt like a stomach bug. Having a fear of public toilets, she had no choice but to break her golden rule and use the restroom. Discovering she had really bad diarrhoea.

Feeling horrible, she left the bathroom and returned to the table. A family member and her baby were no longer at the table. My friend's mother asked her to go and find them and help change the baby's nappy. So she returned to the ladies room to look for them. As she was looking for them, another woman came out of the cubicle she had used earlier. Since it appeared to this woman that my friend was waiting in line for the toilets, she pointed to the cubicle and said "Don't use that one, the woman who used it before me should be ashamed of herself".

My friend politely laughed and returned to her table in horror.

The end.

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