Friday, 29 March 2013

Things I'm scared of

We all have fears. But it just so happens that I have a lot more than the average person. So here is a list of some of the things I could do without.

- Pretty much every animal that exists

I understand how ironic this is. I am a vegetarian. I like to say that it is my way of showing respect to the animal kingdom. I don't eat them so they shouldn't eat me. I think rabbits are just about the only animal that doesn't scare me. However, there was that monty python movie that made me think twice about that one. See a clip HERE.

- Ringing people who I don't know on the phone

Now I am getting better at this one. But I used to be so bad I couldn't even order pizza. Once I had to call my grandfather to tell him that times had been changed for a family dinner and I burst into tears. And that was my grandfather whom I love to bits! I was pretty young though. I swear lol.

- Crowd participation

I hate when you go to a concert or performance and one of the actors comes off the stage looking for people to involve. Stay away from me. I'm paying to see you perform, not me. This is the same as the buskers on the street or people in cartoon character suits at theme parks. Don't touch me.

- Blood tests

I'm getting better, but I am not a fan of needles in general. I used to be okay when the nurses would come to school because I would get a false sense of courage around my friends. The smell of the alcohol swabs are horrible. And unfortunately I have to smell that smell every shift of work I do. Once a nurse was giving me a blood test and checking my blood sugar levels and she began laughing about how anxious it was making me. Biatch.

- Sleeping in other peoples houses.

I hate this. I really struggle in other peoples houses. Especially when I'm not able to get a room to myself. If I am in a room with lots of other people I will force myself to stay awake. I wasn't always this bad. It had grown with time. I have also been known to baricade doors during the night.

- Closing my eyes whilst washing my hair in the shower

This is a silly one. But I can not close my eyes for long periods of time in the shower because I have watched so many horror movies I am convinced when I open my eyes, an axe murderer will be watching me through the shower door. Not good lol.

Well those are some of things that get me scared. But there are plenty more I could list. Have a good day and I hope no axe murderers show up in your bathroom tonight :) xx

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