Monday 15 June 2015

Confessions: part 2

Well since you all liked the last one...(here is another picture of Usher as well hehe)

I often stalk my exes profiles

I only continue to watch Game of Thrones because I want to watch Cersei die a horrible death

I would marry Laura Prepon

I used to have my whole wedding planned out...then deleted it in rage.

I often have visions of throwing a drink at this one specific person from a moving car. My mind is pretty darn specific. The drink will be a coke slushie.

I wish I had gotten a puppy instead of a kitten.

I usually will only do my washing if I have run out of underwear

I think I have about 75 pairs of underwear...

My friends and I think of new names for guys so instead of 'Brad' he will be known as something like 'bad breath guy'.

I once made a photo slideshow that people could use at my funeral. Just for fun.

If I have a really rough day, I will drive around aimlessly and sing Cher songs

My dreams are so vivid that sometimes I wake up and I can still see people in my room and they stay there until I turn the light on.

I once accidentally shut a kids finger in a change room door. But I didn't feel guilty because they were being a little shit...

I used to cheat at cards with my family by looking ahead in the pile and placing it so that I would be the one to pick up the cards I needed

I am deeply troubled by the fact I have never won monopoly

I pooed my pants when I was 5 because I was watching an incursion and was too interested to leave to go to the bathroom. Yep. And I was sitting on my hat. Which I had to continue to wear. It never smelt the same.

I once got a detention for mouthing the answers to an exam question to my friend. I got your back.

I once told a teacher at school that I was 'going to get decked' because it was a new phrase I learnt. The school contacted my family concerned that I was an abused child.

I have seen the penis pictures you have sent to my friends...

I have seen the video of you singing a love song that you have sent to my friends...

I have deleted Tinder (Say Waaaahhhh)

My favourite song at the moment is the song that the girl in silence of the lambs sings in her car before she gets kidnapped. haha.

I have peed in many swimming pools. Sorry.

Happy monday everyone xx Sar.

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