Friday 22 February 2013

My current wish list

Hello there.
So I carry around with me a list of things that I call my 'wants or needs' list. They are mostly wants...but a girl can dream.

Starting from the top left is Essie's 'Fed Up' Nude pink nail polish. I really want to get involved with the whole nude polish scene. My collection is no where near subtle so I would like to try and rock the clean look.

Next is some plain black skinny jeans. These are the super skinny jeans in forever black from Jeanswest, pricing at about $69.99. I was never a part of the skinny jean movement. So I am aware I am behind. This is probably one of the few on the list that I would classify as a 'need'. Everyone needs black jeans!

Recently I was reminded of the importance of caring for your eyes. Being someone who suffers with horribly baggy and dark under eyes, this step in the skin care regime is pretty important. I hate to admit that I have always neglected it. So I am hoping to include this in my routine. This particular eye cream is Burt's Bees radiance eye cream which can be picked up for $34.99.

Another beauty sin of mine (other than neglecting my eye care) is that I am a bit lazy with brush cleaning. Now to be fair, I only recently dived into the beauty scene. So I thought it would be good to invest in a brush cleaner that I could use in between deep cleans. This one is the Models Prefer brush spot cleaner at $12.99.

Now I attempted to have a little go of testing this next one out at a store. However, the lid had been left off and it dried out completely. NOT HAPPY JAN. So I would like to purchase it and just give it a go because I have seen quite a few beauty gurus loving this. This is Maybelline's colour tattoo in fierce and tangy $11.95.

I have this weird obsession with Gold and black eye makeup. So the next step is to invest in a gold eyeliner. Preferably with glitter, because let's face it, everything is better with glitter. This one I chose is BYS' liquid pearlized gold which I believe sells for around the $5 mark.

Moving on to something a bit different. I hate my arms. Gosh I hate them so much. I like to think that if I had some equipment lying around, my fat cells would talk to me and say "Go on Sarah. Have a gooooo.". This is a Dunlop Dumbbell and is a reasonable $10.92 at Big W. AND IT'S PINK!

So Summer is nearly over and hopefully it should start cooling down now. I would like to be prepared with a light blazer. I originally said black, because that can go with everything. But oooh peach is pretty! The one I selected is the Target Peach Linen Blazer $49.

Lastly, I would quite like a new camera. Just something more transportable than my iPad and also something that takes better photos than my phone. I'm not going to go overboard spending money on something I am only using for blogs. So this one is the Olympus VG160 and is a nice $98 at Dick Smith. Yay.

Have you got a wishlist? Go make one. It's funnnnn. xx

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