Tuesday 19 February 2013

Back to uni: How I stay organised

Ahhh, it is that time again. Buying new pens, highlighters, textbooks etc. This is the time of year my inner nerd really comes out to play. It's all very exciting to me. Finding out who your teachers/lecturers are, who is in your class and what assignments you are expected to conquer in short amounts of time.

I am in my final year of uni now so I am pretty good when it comes to organisation. So I thought I would blog about how I plan to organise myself for my last year!

Firstly, go and find yourself a pretty little day planner. Obviously the prettiness does not effect the way it works, but it can't hurt! The day planner I got this year is from the wonderful kikki k, one of my favourite little stationary stores! Now don't go too overboard and grab the A4 size because remember this needs to be transportable. Buy one you could fit in a handbag :)

Make it fun with highlighters, stickers and sticky notes. It will make it less of a bore every time you have to open it up. Which will be lots once you are back to school.

Which brings me to the books you choose to write in for each subject. DON'T BE BORING. I went to Typo for mine. Managed to score the last of the particular notebooks that I was after. It just so happened to be decorated with Florence and the Machine! Yay meeee. I bought 6 for $9.95.

So, last year for Christmas I received an iPad 2. I did a little bit of research on all of the different study apps they have to offer. I have managed to narrow it down to a few which I intend to use this semester. So I will be having all of my course outlines and class work on my iPad and any notes I will be taking will be by hand.

I appologise if you don't have an iPad and find this not at all useful. If you don't have one, my suggestion is a folder for each subject which you keep all lecture material etc in order. That was my system before this year.

So, the apps I have chosen to use this semester are GoodNotes, Dropbox and ClassesLite. All of which are free unless you choose you want to upgrade.

GoodNotes is a very neat little App. You can upload documents and write all over them and highlight just as if it were on paper. You can get all different types of paper (music, lined, plain) and do almost anything. It will be great for diagrams and graphing. Unfortunately with the free version you can only have two documents at a time. HOWEVER, another great thing about this is you can back up your documents on the next app, dropbox :)

Dropbox is another amazing app. You download it on your computer, ipad, iphone and then save documents to it and you can now access them anywhere anytime. If you are somewhere else without all of these items, you can access them from the dropbox website. You have 2GB of space to use for free. I don't know what else to say about this other than it's perfect for uni students.

Lucky last is ClassesLite. It organises your schedule for you and it reminds you when you should start working on assignments etc. Now although the main reason I have this is so that I can have my timetable set out all nicely for me, I recommend this app for people who don't want to have the pretty day planner. It also holds information on your lecturer, such as contact number, class room and other things that will come in handy.

Okay, well I think that is all I wanted to mention. I hope you all have a wonderful semester. Happy learning xx

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