Thursday, 19 November 2015

The new plan.

If you have been reading my blogs for a while (I have been writing them for over two and a half years!), you would have seen my attempts at healthy eating and exercise over that period of time.

The problem I have is that I want to skip the part where it is a chore to exercise. I want to be at the point where I can do the colour run and actually run. I want to be one of the instagram girls where people share my post because my abs are to die for.

Sadly there is an obstacle in my life preventing me from achieving these things.

I am so friggen lazy hahahaa.

I managed a solid 3 months or so eating healthy and I saw great results. And then something happened to me when I reached my goal. I was like "one bad meal won't hurt". And then all of a sudden that turned into every meal. Now thankfully I haven't put ALL the weight back on. But enough that it has me feeling crummy. So this week I have started back on my shake diet. Trying to shed some kilos for new year. I am going on a beach and theme park holiday with boyfriend! :)

You don't tend to hear about the failures people have. No one wants to share that with people. But I am a normal person. I lack will power at times!
The important thing is that I know that I need to turn it around to get healthy again. Because I know it made me feel so good before! I was on top of the world! And although I don't feel hideous and I am still happy with how I am, I want to get back to that point because it was such an achievable thing!

So! Hi. My name is Sarah. I lost twelve kilos. Then put 8 back on. But I am getting back on track to being healthy.

Here is the plan:

1. I will replace two meals a day with meal replacement shakes

2. I will allow three snacks a day of fruit or nuts.

3. I will be realistic about introducing exercise! There is no way in hell I can go straight to exercising everyday. So maybe since the weather is warming up I will start going to the local pool to cool down and gain some strength.

4. I won't punish myself when I slip up!

5. I will make sure I don't skip meals to try and fast forward the process like I have done in the past. It makes my mind feel foggy!

6. I will allow myself to go out with friends or eat normally at events. You won't be able to be consistent if you feel bad all the time that you are missing out! So if my friends are going out to dinner or if my boyfriend and I are going to go on a date I am not going to pass up a delicious meal. That isn't the right way to live life!

7. I will only check my weight once a fortnight

8. I will limit the drinks I have that aren't water, fresh juice, milk or alcohol. (Oh please. You think I am giving up alcohol? You are dreaming). But I will try and limit the alcohol throughout the working week... *I just finished my second mug of wine for the night. Yes mug. I am the epitome of class*

9. I will experiment with exciting new recipes. I love cooking! So why not make the most of eating healthy.

10. I will eat a balanced diet! Fruit and vegetables!! And I will eat the healthier carbs...even if pasta is all I think about.

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you guys are planning to do to get ready for bikini season!

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