Saturday 13 June 2015

How I lost TEN KILOS!

Hello wonderful people!

Today is a friggen fantastic day ! I have officially lost ten kilos as of this morning and I could not be happier. Also, this diet doesn't involve exercise (yet haha). Which is why I thought I would let you all in on what I am doing to shed all these kilos :) I am going to add that I am not a nutritionist so this could be way wrong. But it's working for me.

Firstly, I kicked off the whole thing with a juice cleanse. For two days all I had was premade nudie juices from the fridge section of woolworths. There is no added sugar etc and I made sure I bought juices that contained fruit and vegetables. I'll admit it was a tricky two days BUT I lost 4 kilos just from that! So it was that initial drop in weight that really kept me motivated. Unfortunately I need to see immediate results otherwise I get disheartened. Which you may have seen from my last diet and exercise blog from like a year ago haha.

I purchased a fit bit, which for those who don't know is a bracelet that counts how many calories you are burning a day, how many steps you do and can track exercise etc. Initially I did two runs and then gave up on exercising haha. I have however become very aware of how many steps I take in a day. We are meant to do 10,000. My average was very I tried to see what little changes I could make to improve that. So I have walked to the shops a couple of times instead of driving (it's a one minute drive lol). This bracelet can connect to an app on your phone which tracks what you eat every day and tells you how much more you can have etc. I am allowing 1200 calories a day.

This is the start of the month of June for me

So after a while I got lazy with the healthy eating and needed something new and easy to keep me going. So I started a shake diet. Initially I started on slimright brands, which are yummy, then I purchased rapidloss which is SO GOOD. So I am using both brands at the moment until they run out and then I think I will stay with rapidloss. I use soymilk instead of skim milk, not for health reasons, just because normal milk can sometimes make me feel a bit sick.

So I have either a shake or a meal replacement bar (I use optifast) for breakfast and lunch, whole pieces of fruit for snacks in between, and a normal main meal for dinner. Now the main problem I know people have had with these diets in the past is that they are starving. Initially I was too. I will admit it was hard. But my body was so used to massive portions! Hence why I needed to lose some weight. After a couple of weeks on this diet my hunger really calmed down. I feel energised and great.

For dinners I have been sticking to simple healthy options. Last night I had vegetable soup and two pieces of weight management burgen bread. The night before I had avocado, tomato and garlic mushrooms on the same bread. Delicious and filling :) Another go to option is microwaveable single serves of brown rice with a can of tuna mixed in and steamed broccoli. If you need some flavour why not buy one of the tuna cans which has added sauce? I like the curry one :)

Another thing I should mention is that I haven't weighed myself every day. Simply because your weight fluctuates during the week. I also weigh myself at the same time each time. There is no use weighing yourself after you have been eating all day and comparing it to when you first wake up. Which is when I choose to do it.

To celebrate this ten kilo loss I have booked myself a weekend away in August to beautiful Melbourne. ALSO, yesterday I ordered my very own cross trainer. So now the toning can begin!

I can't stress how easy this diet has been and the results have been unbelievable. I definitely recommend it to people. You just need to get past the first two weeks and you are golden! I also didn't mention that I allow one cheat meal a week! Which gives me something to look forward to. This week I am going to a chinese buffet haha! But since my stomach has shrunk I will be full from half of the normal serving I would dish out myself at one of these places haha.

Much love, Sar xx.

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