Sunday, 23 February 2014

My knights in shining armour

So I realise all of my latest blogs have been travel related. And you may be sick of those. However, I have failed to mention any of the (in my opinion) hilarious stories that I have brought back with me from my five weeks abroad.

So here is story number one:

So as I have previously mentioned. I really wanted the American experience. And I would constantly blab to other people on the tour about the American experiences I had planned to have.
And then we arrived in Austin, Texas.
I think Austin defeated us all. We had two big nights there. I could only manage one.
But let me tell you about that night.

It all started in a bar. As all of these nights seem to do. Met some sleezy guy from Boston. Soon got myself out of that situation and watched a bit of beer pong. I was a few drinks in at this point. And then someone started talking about a mechanical bull.  And then suddenly I was riding that bull. Let's just say thank god it wasn't a real one or I would probably be dead.

The face of a fearless professional

Some how I then found myself at another bar. This one had a pool table. And I believe only one other person from the tour was there with me at this point. My memory is a bit fuzzy though ;)
And that's where the night got a little crazy. Drinking my beer. Playing pool. And then I met some firemen................
They were perrrrrrrrrty. And had tattoos! And we got talking about tattoos. And then a 'brilliant' idea struck me!
"I should get a tattoo!! Hmm what should I get? I know! AN AMERICAN FLAG! Will you guys come with me to the tattoo parlour?" They said yes.
Then the one other person I knew in the bar was like "Sarah, I think this is a bad idea. I think you should stay here" and I laughed so hard. Because I knew it was true. And walked outside. And to my luck, there was a tattoo parlour across the street! I had lost my firemen though some how.. but we ran into some more tour people outside and they wanted to watch me get the thing I would regret the next day. So a whole group of us walked upstairs. I put my sober face on and calmly said "hi, I would like an American flag tattoo please".

I must have been convincing because five minutes later he had printed it off and was getting ready to do a coloured flag for only $85. Bargaiinnnnnnn.
Well at this stage someone had called the tour guide. And she had ran from wherever she was to the tattoo parlour to try and knock some sense into me. " are not American.."
She even filmed me telling her I wanted to get it done for proof in case the next day I hated everyone for it haha.

So I know, you are probably wondering if I got it done? The tattoo guy was ready, my American tour guide decided I was level headed enough to get it done, I was ready and mentally prepared for the pain, mainly because I was drunk. Then in walked my knight in shining armour. One of the guys from the tour came into the parlour as soon as he had heard the news. It was by force I was removed that night. Pure brutality ;) But I am pretty thankful because although it would have made a great story. It wouldn't have been the prettiest tattoo ever haha. I think I even remember the tattoo guy saying he couldn't do stars on the flag, he would have to do dots. AHHAHAHA.

So do you think this is where my night ended? Oh no... ahahaha. We walked out and everyone was like.."we need some pizza". I was like "I'm going to look for my roommate." And that's when I lost everyone. Eventually I gave up looking for people, and was lured into a bar with promises of $4 Margarita's. I sat there in self pity. I had no phone. Didn't remember the name of my hotel. I was in Austin, Texas. And I had no American flag tattoo. Devastated.

And whats that? A second knight in shining armour??!! In walks a guy with the oh so classy Australian accent that you can pick out of a crowd. He sat down, ordered a Margarita (those bouncers are so convincing) and we started talking. After I don't know how long. I mentioned I had no idea where I was staying. Then he had the brilliant idea of checking my room key! I was staying at a place called the Super 8 hotel! GREAT! He had a phone with internet! EVEN GREATER! Then we discovered there are 6 Super 8 hotels in Austin, Texas. SIGHHHHH.

But obviously I am here today to tell you this story. We managed to get a taxi some how. And he just took me to the closest super 8 hotel. I had never been happier to see that big tour bus.
I walked in to the room. Kicked my shoes off. My roommate stared at me, waiting to hear what I had to say. And all I could say was "I'm HERE. I MADE IT! I have all my things! AND! I have your jacket on?" :) One of the best nights of my life.

So thank you to my two knights in shining armour. I shall forever be grateful for how you saved my life that night. And for a bit of a poetic ending, what did I learn from this? Sometimes you just need to hold one hand up in the air, hold on for dear life with the other, and let life take you for a ride :)

xx Sar

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