Sunday, 16 June 2013

What's your SSB?

Hello lovelies!
Rather excited for this blog post because I have done a bit more research then I normally would. This is all about secret single behavior!
What is this you ask? It's a concept developed by the show 'Sex in the city'. It refers to anything you do when you are home alone that you would not do in front of a significant other. Usually they are just odd things, not necessarily break up worthy or anything but it is where our unique personalities really start to shine. So I asked my lovely lady friends on Facebook to private message me with their little SSBs. I got quite a good collection.

Here are the best of the best:

- Videoing yourself dancing
- Choreographing dance routines without any actual dance experience
- Intensely cleaning ears with cotton tips. Because it just feels so damn goooood!
- Finishing off a jar of Nutella with a spoon
- Peeing with the door open
- Showering with the door open
- Blasting music in the shower and having your own performance with the good acoustics
- Pooing naked- apparently it is her way to get in touch with nature?
- Sitting in the lounge room naked waiting for your fake tan to dry
- Getting a spoon of butter...dipping it in milo...eating it
- Performing a song in front of the mirror
- Talking to yourself in the mirror, practicing what you would have said to that bitchy comment the day before
- Staying in a towel ages after having a shower
- Thoroughly examining all the gunk you got out of your nose after using a pore strip

And of course I have to add one of my own, although my Facebook friends might have already seen it...but I am guilty of on more than one occasion, making either chocolate crackle mix or ANZAC biscuit mix with absolutely no intention of cooking them and then just eating it out of the bowl...

Hope you enjoyed this little post. Feel free to comment bellow with any of your secret single behaviors! xx

1 comment:

  1. Should I feel embarrassed that I do pretty much all of these with the exception of the milo-butter? hahaha
    Loved this post so much, I literally lol'd :)

    -Celine xx
