I am back from my little holiday away with boyfriend and I had such a lovely time. So expect a blog on that soon :) I am currently however sick in bed so I thought I would take an opportunity to type up a blog I wrote whilst on the plane. I had to of course buy a 'trashy' magazine to help the time FLY by. See what I did there? My choice: The July edition of Cosmo. One section showed someone's fantasy dinner guests. Which is five people you would choose alive or dead to join you for dinner. Now although I found some of her choices ridiculous (like come on... a tennis player?) it made me think about who I would choose. Here is what I came up with.
1. Jesus
The big man. I assume you would get some good stories out of him. And you could ask him to supply the wine haha. Boyfriend and I joked about what we would cook for Jesus if he came. Fish obviously!
But in all seriousness. Even if you don't believe he was the Messiah, he had a pretty interesting life didn't he?
2. Martin Luther King Jr.
Now that's a man you could invite to dinner and not be worried about what to talk about haha. He could certainly hold the attention of a room.
Although he might have a bit of an issue with one of my other chosen guests...
A little bit of a different pick. There may be a bit of a debate at dinner... But I feel he would be an interesting dinner guest. Now don't be silly and think I agree with anything Hitler did. But I feel like he is someone you would never forget meeting.
With the red hair and the painted white face? Sign me up. Such a strong and powerful woman from our history. Imagine all the decisions she had to make in her time. You could ask her about her father. "So...Elizabeth...I hear your father Henry the 8th was a bit of an angry man..." Gosh, 44 years as Queen. You could get used to that life couldn't you?
5. Justin Bieber
5. Emmeline Pankhurst
Queue sister suffragette song here.
I wouldn't be me without including a true feminist on my list. And what a choice she is!
She was a very important person in the fight for women's rights to vote and I was very glad to get a chance to study her at school. A very strong lady! And if even a little of that rubbed off onto me from one dinner with her, I would be much better for it.
Well thats all guys. Who would you choose? Boyfriend and I disagreed on who is actually important enough to be on the list. Let's just say Billy Joel just doesn't cut it for me ;)
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