Thursday, 18 April 2013
Why it's hard to be a girl: part 1
Yes, this is another ranting blog. But hey, it is so much fun to write! Don't worry all you boys out there, I shall do a blog on why it is hard to be a boy. If there is anything to write ;) haha just kidding! Kinda...
1. Makeup application. Every day.
Makeup has been around for a mere 6000 years. It is even mentioned in the bible. For thousands of years women have been smearing questionable substances on to their faces. Sure we no longer use bird poo or lead paint like they used too (I hope), but it is still expected we wear it. Now don't give me the blah blah blah women have choices now, we don't have to wear anything. Bitch please. I know. We don't have to. We also don't have to shave our legs anymore or wear bras. You can do that if you wish. But I am exercising my choice to be comfortable in public. My problem with it is that I have grown up to believe if I don't wear it I will not be beautiful. It has been drilled into my mind from a young age. I feel naked without it and that is what is sad.
2. Hair removal
It hurts. One bad experience with an at home waxing kit was enough for me to be put off waxing for eternity. That leaves me with plucking, threading, chemicals, laser treatment or shaving. I think that's all. It doesn't sound that great does it? I will wear pants on a 50 degree day rather than show of my unshaved legs and my hair is blonde. I can't imagine what it would be like to have dark hair coming through! It is a nightmare. Oh no, it hurts when you remove the tape from your legs after football? BITCH PLEASE!
3. Boobage
As depicted above, boobs can get in the way. Now I don't have big boobs. So I can not extensively express the annoyance of boobage. You can't sleep on your stomach, it can make you look bigger then what you actually are, clothes can be hard to find, one girl I met couldn't even see her shoes to tie her laces lmao. It is also one more part of the body that is considered a 'private part'. Men aren't included in this. What makes extra fat in that area more controversial then the same thing with no fat? :P
4. "She must have PMS"
I blame all the women who blame everything on PMS. It can't have started as a male expression! "I'm sorry, I have PMS". Umm no, you are just a bitch and are trying to blame it on something. Learn to control yourself and take responsibility for your actions. Sheesh.
5. Child birth and pregnancy
"It's just as bad as getting kicked in the balls". I want to kick you in the balls just for saying that to be honest. How many times do men die from being kicked in the balls? Yeah. That's what I thought. Your statement is invalid. All complications aside. If you have a normal birth. It still hurts like a mother trucker. And pregnancy? Nine months of rushing hormones, heart burn, gas and more. Sound fun yet?
Well that is all for part one kiddlets. Stay tuned for part 2! And thank you everyone for reading I am just about to hit 2000 views! xx
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