Tuesday, 9 April 2013
My list of boredom fillers
There comes a time when doing nothing just doesn't cut it anymore. Not everyone gets this luxury. But I would estimate 95% of university students do. I am definitely part of that 95%. Being a sloth is not as easy as it sounds. Overtime I have accumulated a list of things that help pass the time. So here is the list which also includes some alternatives in case you don't have access to the equipment necessary for the activity.
1. Cut or dye your hair
Been thinking of a radical change of appearance? Go bald? Go blonde? Go for it! It is definitely preferable that you get this professionally done. But I understand that dishing out what can add up to a fair bit of money isn't always possible. Why not do it yourself? Bring out the bleach or your father's beard trimmer! You won't do it...you're scared.
2. Have a tv series marathon
Now surely everyone has thought of this one before. But when I reach my Gilmore Girls limit (yes apparently it is possible) I like to go to the DVD store and pick a series I have never seen before. Too expensive? Beg, borrow or steal! And by steal I mean illegally download... ;) Orrr, go to the library and hire one. Yes they do have DVDs there! Who knew!? Their selection isn't always that great but you should be able to find something.
3. Go sit in a public place and quietly mock people
This is better when you have more than one person. Because otherwise you can tend to look a little suspicious muttering to yourself and laughing. I understand this can put me in the category of horrible people. But please...everyone has done it. Haven't they?
4. Get a new pet
Whether it be a rock or a jellyfish named Squishy, nothing is more exciting then getting a new pet! Well at least it is exciting for the first week or so. Then it becomes the family pet and not at all your responsibility. But hey, you only wanted to reduce your boredom levels yeah?
5. Take part in a life threatening activity
How can you be bored when poo is running down your legs? Jump out of a plane, play frogger with real cars, walk past that one house on your street that has the vicious German Shepherd. Whatever gets your poo flowing.
6. Play a game of spot the pedophile
What? You have never heard of this game? What? You find it distasteful? We are in fact doing society a favour by spotting these individuals. It is an easy game. You can even get the kids involved! Basically, you can conduct this game anywhere. The shops, the local swimming pool or the theatre. Beware though, ocne a pedophile I 'spotted' ended up sitting next to my group at a concert. Made listening to the music rather difficult. Just pick out anyone in the crowd that looks the part. Unfortunately it usually just results in selecting old people in general. But there are lots of laughs to be had.
7. Become the next Heston Blumenthal
I.e. get experimental in the kitchen. It seems to be the right time to taste the wonders of fish and custard, Dr Who style. Or Oysters and ice cream. Oooh fancy! In true Heston Blumenthal style, you should somehow include liquid nitrogen in your cooking. Shouldn't be too difficult.
8. Play a drinking game
There are so many out there already made for you! One for every interest possible. Take a shot every time Ashlee or Sophia says 'babes' on My Kitchen Rules. Or a shot every time someone says 'Stiffler's Mum' on American Pie. Or Beer pong! By yourself...because that would be fun and not at all depressing.
9. Design a tattoo and get it done
Always wanted a giant portrait of Morgan Freeman on your backside? Now is the time! It won't hurt at all, I promise :)
Well that's all folks. Obviously most of this post was written in jest so no one get their panties in a twist. Have a lovely day xx
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