Monday 20 July 2015

Things I miss about childhood

Childhood is a period of time where people either have the best time of their lives or the worst. I mean there is bullying, parents divorcing, mean siblings etc. But I personally loved my childhood. And here is why:

- Falling asleep under the table when the family were at a restaurant and it was getting late. It is no longer socially acceptable to sleep whenever you want!
- A lolly changing the colour of your tongue was funny and magical
- Playing games like bullrush or tip were just everyday habits
- Having sleepovers with your girlfriends and choreographing dances or singing like we were going to be professionals
-  Our metabolisms were indestructible and we didn't even care
- Experimenting with who we were. "Should I wear this silver lipstick?" Probably not.
- The biggest drama in our life was our best friends thinking we said something mean about them
- What we were going to wear for school camp on the first day was such a big deal. I don't mean to be dramatic, but once one of my friends wore the same top as me on that day and it just ruined everything.
- Sex and alcohol weren't issues
- No matter how hard we tried, we would always get sticky fingers after having a push pop
- 90s music was still a thing
- Living so close to my best friend
- Playing outside
- Seeing your siblings every day
- It was only early days for caring what others thought about you. So you did your own thing
- Just seeing a guy you liked made you break down and giggle 
- Cheese TV, enough said
- Leaving my bedroom door open because I was scared of the dark, but sitting near the open door and watching All saints or ER through the crack of the door because I am a rebel. No wonder I became a nurse. 
- Texting was new. So we wrote letters at school and handed them to each other to read in private
- Makeup was what flavour lip smacker you wore
- Simpsons marathons on Fox 8
- Colouring in was an acceptable past time
- Disney
- The social havoc involved on the bus for a school excursion
- School choir was scandalous
- The worst thing we said was shut up or stupid
- When finding $2 was like winning the lottery
- When your clothes didn't matter
- When the boys liked you because you knew how to kick a football
- Your grandmother letting you do her hair or makeup <3
- Cuddles with your parents
- "upside down, upside down"
- Going to the video store
- Making necklaces out of flowers
- Hand games "My aunty Anna, plays the pianaaa, 24 hours a day. SPLITS."
- Girlfriend and dolly magazine. I'm going to open the sealed section! hehehhehehee
- Chewing gum like a rebel

xx Sar

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