Wednesday 24 June 2015

When you are in need of soul crushing

One thing you may not know about me, is that I love to cry. Which is probably a good thing because I am also the most emotional person I know. Because of this, I tend to be attracted to dramatic films. Anything that is going to make me feel something real. So overtime I have seen some real heart breaking movies. And I thought I would list some of them for you so that if you are in need of a cry, or you are like me and are just self destructive, you can pick one off the list and crawl into a ball and feel all the feels.

So in no particular order:

1. Castaway- a movie starring Tom Hanks which will open you up to the possibility of genuinely loving an inanimate object. A movie that isn't a love story so you can make your boyfriends watch it with you lol.

2. The Best of Me- this movie had me yelling "are you kidding me!?" But I was so hysterical that I am sure no one would have understood me anyway. It is just one thing after the other with this movie. Gut wrenching love story. I snapchatted my friends with my emotional responses throughout the film. It wasn't pretty.

3. Million Dollar Baby- the movie that made me ugly cry for like an hour. I was inconsolable to the point where mum made me come out of my room and sit with the family because she was afraid for me. That is how intense this movie is. It is a boxing movie starring Clint Eastwood and Morgan Freeman. Yes. Go watch it immediately. Tell me if you ugly cry haha.

4. The Perks of Being a Wallflower- Firstly, Emma Watson. Yeh.. that's all I really need to say to get you to watch this movie. Teenaged angst movie. Great soundtrack. Felt the feels. Go. Now. Watch.

5. The Fox and the Hound- Now I didn't see this movie as a child. I watched it this year for the first time. It is soooo sad! THEY WERE BEST FRIENDS!?!?! But yeh I am sure you have all seen this by now. How can they make a kids movie that just crushes souls? Uncool. But great movie about friendship :)

6. Green Mile- Far out. Such an amazing movie that really makes you feel every emotion to the extreme. I love prison movies a lot. So this was right up my alley. First time I watched it though I had to pause it, pull myself together, and then continue. Tom Hanks is just so loveable isn't he? Second time he has appeared in this list. He just loves to make people cry aye.

7. The Little Princess- I used to watch this movie over and over. Picture Annie mixed with Matilda with a bit of british wartime culture. SOOO good. A girl gets sent to live in a boarding school whilst her father goes to war, and obviously the headmistress of the school is an ass hole. Great family movie. You will cry tears of sadness and tears of joy.

8. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas- Warning: not for those who are already feeling down. This movie is set during the holocaust, which is such a sad part of human history as it is. But it follows the lives of two boys, one a jew and one the son of an officer in a concentration camp. You will not feel okay during any part of the film. It made me so upset. And it was on my mind for weeks after I had watched it. Very well made film. But I haven't been able to let myself watch it a second time. I don't know if I could handle it.

9. My Girl- starring the beautiful young Macaulay Culkin (home alone), this movie follows the life of a family who own and run a funeral parlour. Touching movie and great to watch with the family. Makes me wish that I grew up during that time.

10. P.s. I Love You- I saw this at the cinema and I was that embarrassing person in the back row snotting and crying everywhere. It is a love story. It has Irish men in it. What more do you need? Nothing. That's right. Go watch it and cry the whole way through like I did. I cried in the first ten minutes. Just saying.

11. The Pursuit of Happyness- Will Smith acting as the father to his actual son in a movie about struggling to make ends meet. Inspirational and a beautiful film about family. And happiness is meant to be misspelt in the title. Thanks for noticing grammar nazi.

12. Click- Adam Sandler rarely does serious movies, which is why this was so refreshing. Of course it has a lot of funny parts in it, because that is what he does. But it is a movie about a remote control that allows you to pause, fast forward and rewind life. Which sounds amazing and even though he realises that he wants to experience every part of life, I still want one lol.

And that is my refined list! I know that a lot of them, people my age have probably seen, but you can't help but love the classics haha. What movies have you seen that have made you cry? I am always ready for more suggestions! xx Sar.

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