Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Gay marriage legalised?!

I personally never thought that I would be around to see the legalisation of same sex marriage in Australia. Especially with our current government.

But apparently I was rather wrong!

The little Australian Capital Territory has passed the Marriage equality same sex act 2013 by 9 votes to 8.
Also, Tasmania is apparently planning to follow in its footsteps later this week!

I know so many people who are against the idea of same sex couples marrying and I really struggle to see their view. "The bible says marriage should be between a man and a woman". Okay, well, 66% of the world don't follow the bible. So that isn't really going to cut it.
"It is unnatural". The idea of same sex coupling isn't exactly new. Artwork from Ancient Greece shows us that same sex relationships were happening then. How can it be unnatural if it has NATURALLY been occurring a mere 2800 years or however long ago that was haha. None of this codswallop from Tony Abbott about it being the 'fashion of the moment'. That is a friggen long moment.
Speaking of which, his sister being engaged to another woman should be a nice little slap in the face to him. Suck my toe Tony.

Can you really name a couple whose marriage has really honestly affected you for the worse? Other than your parents ;) Why would gender be a factor we need to take into consideration when the current divorce rate of marriages consisting of men and women is so high?
I really think that our great grandchildren are going to look back at this and think "I don't understand why there was ever a debate over all of this".

But hey, I am just a woman, I shouldn't even be allowed to have a vote anyway, right?


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