Oh yes. I am talking today about one of the things we are brought up to never mention in conversation. Well most people are brought up that way. Personally, my family makes a mental note to always bring up religion and politics. We are good that way haha.
All I can see on my Facebook news feed is people complaining they have no idea who to vote for. Even worse, I can see people writing about crap they have no idea about. But since they heard someone else talking about it, suddenly they are oh so knowledgable.
My goal for this blog is to give the most basic run down of the policies the main political parties are fighting for. Now obviously I don't know all of this off the top of my head. And I don't pretend to know it all. All of this is for my personal research for the election and I shall give you the websites I get my information from. I thought it would be easier to put all of this down in one place so that other people can get an idea of who is who. I will put in red anything that I find particularly important....
This will be a three blog series because otherwise it will get too long haha.
Today I am covering: The Liberal Party
The liberals have certainly spared no expense this election to let it be well known what their policies are. How many friggen letters have we got from them?! I can certainly see their stance on the environment needs a bit of work already hahaha.
So from their letters and also from their website, see HERE, they have made it clear that they are mainly focussing on six key priorities. Some of them are very controversial at the moment. Also can I mention how obvious it is that they are trying to persuade the vote. The amount of times I have read "remove the shackles and chains from Australia BLAH BLAH BLAH".
Here are the main 6
1. 'A stronger 5-pillar economy'
"By building on our strengths in mining, agriculture, services, education and manufacturing".
Firstly...they don't give the greatest amount of information on their policies. They seem to be dumbing it down for the population. No details at all really.
One thing they said they will do is create a council made specifically for advising the prime minister on things related to the economy. In the council will be representatives from all of the industries mentioned above.
One interesting section stated they will "provide policy stability and certainty to our live exports trade- avoiding damaging backflips like labor's overnight decision to suspend live cattle trade with Indonesia".
I'm sure we all remember that point in time. If not, the government suspended the trade following evidence that Australian cattle were being treated DISGUSTINGLY in Indonesian abbatoirs.
They also want to remove mining taxes and make the compulsory environmental protection screening with each new project a faster process.
2. 'The carbon tax gone'
"We will save average families $550 next year alone by freeing them from the burdens of the carbon tax which will reduce the cost of living pressures"
The coalition states they are aiming to reduce carbon emissions by 5% by 2020.
"Legislation to repeal the carbon tax will be the first piece of legislation the coalition will introduce".
other energy-rich country has introduced an
economy wide carbon tax. The world’s biggest
carbon tax damages the Australian economy,
drives up prices unnecessarily, hits the cost-of-
living of families, hurts small businesses and
makes all Australian businesses less competitive
in both domestic and international markets."
3. 'End the waste and debt'
"We will, by living within out means, get the budget back under control and pay back debt. Ending waste and debt means lower taxes and better services".
Australia's net debt is over $160 billion.
Another council will be made just to audit the government and find where savings can be made.
4. 'Better roads and services'
"We will build more modern roads and highways to get Australia moving again, and provide better health and education services. This is an ongoing nation building policy"
For other sydney folk this means $1.5 billion towards the M4 East and a link between the F3 and M2.
"We will match dollar for dollar commitments already made by the Federal government for schools over the next four years".
In regard to health:
- They want to restore the private health insurance rebate: Which means a lower medicare levy each year.
- Fund diabetes research: $35 million for type one diabetes
- Restore the process by which medicines are listed on the pharmaceutical benefits scheme. Which means certain medicines will be made cheaper.
5. 'Stronger borders'
"We will stop the boats with proven policies and we will work with our neighbours to stop people smugglers and deter the customers from coming into the region"
- Re-establish rigorous off-shore processing for illegal arrivals
- Re-introduce temporary protection visas for asylum seekers found to be genuine and then return them home when safe
- Military led response to combat people smuggling
6. 'Two-million new jobs'
"We will deliver two million new jobs by delivering a strong, prosperous economy with less taxes, less regulation and real support for small businesses".
- This is over the next decade
What annoys me about the information they give, and I am sure it is very strategic, is that they say they will do all these things by the (insert plan name here) plan. For pretty much each of their points. Instead of telling you how they will do it. So they are leaving out some of the really big details..
Just a few things I have hear in the rumour mill, not sure if they are trueeee:
1. People will be paid to move a certain distance away from Sydney
2. You will be given money when you register your intentions to marry someone
3. Penalty rates will be abolished
4. New mothers will receive 6 months paid maternity leave
I'm sorry if I did not cover a topic you were interested in. There is a lot of information to go through and I am trying to make this a simplified version. See their list of policies HERE.
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